Suggestion Page

The Suggestion Page is now open!

Please submit bug reports, suggestions (New modes, items, characters, posters) here!
Also, for character and item suggestions , please put the sprite/icon, mechanic, or the voiceline, if you want, and don't make them overpowered (Ex. Character/Item that gives you alot of Notebooks, Character/Item that lets you get rid of any character).

And don't forget to provide the office poster description for the character or it will not have its own poster at the principal's office!

And for poster suggestion posters, you can use the following templates:

Note, if you wanna submit characters ripped from other animations (like FPE, TADC) :

Get Fundamental Education With Noisious


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(2 edits)

sorry if it's long but

do you think you can add a German Shepherd character

he can help Noisious he will be like Noisious in a mode called double trouble or something like that his design can either be an image from Google or this photo 

his name is Spirit

or you can add this poster

it's fine if you don't want to use this character


it's ok if you don't want this design
(1 edit)

Sure, I will add it on 0.3,

By the way, I need the poster description for the character

(1 edit)

here are the posters

this is all I could think of for this character




You can submit posters now!

Add Red velvet Zesty Bar, same as the Energy Zesty but it will give you 150% Stamina. here is the icons

added in 0.2


Can I make a poster machine (The vending machine equivalent of this game) for it?


(2 edits)

Oh! I maybe off Caption! It’s Worked!, I’m Sorry

Will you create the mobile port later?

Probably on 0.3 or later, because I'd have to deal with HUD problems and more

(2 edits)

Ok, thanks for the answer. I like your game.

Bug: Cannot Open doors

Like you cannot open a certain door, or you can't open doors at all?

watch + the caption problem


i was stuck and cant beat new update

(1 edit)

Weird.... It's probably because of the new Localization system, causing the subtitlemanager to break, I will try to fix that on 0.2

Maybe turn off captions for it to work

it worked

the captions problem too
