Changes in 0.1.1_1904

----- Update! -----

Another development version! these test versions will be made until the full version is released.

These are the changes:

1. Changed the music in the main menu.
2. Added translation for Japanese.
3. Now translated the monologues to the selected language.
4. Now translated a button in the options menu to the selected language.
5. When the "LILRENA FUNDAMENTAL" sprite is not found during the "DrannaMTalt studios" splash screen, 
instead of the language selection menu  that would appear ,A black screen 
with the text on the bottom left corner that displays, "LILRENA FUNDAMENTAL is missing!", 
and scrolling text that displays,
 "Please get a copy of this version with LILRENA FUNDAMENTAL with it."
(LILRENA FUNDAMENTAL, used to be named "LilRena Handler" in versions below 0.1.1_1904, is a sprite
that handles the GUIs and variables, it is responsible for making the guis disappear, also responsible for 
setting the expiration date countdown, making the "J" to screenshot functional, if you manage to 
bypass the "LILRENA FUNDAMENTAL is missing!" screen by modifying the game, the GUIs won't 
disappear and the "Access game" button will not work).

(Key to this version: 190424)

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